
Our primary goal is helping local businesses and organizations get their product, service, tour, hotel, motel, restaurant, or mission onto the Internet – affordably and fast.

Keep it simple. Host your site with us and we’ll take care of everything for you, from email setup, website setup and technical support. Know that you will always be able to get in touch with a live, real person who cares about your business and your satisfaction. Hosting plans cost $10 with some discounts available for transfer customers and non-profits.

What’s included in the $10/month?

  • Linux-based website hosting (perfect for WordPress)
  • LetsEncrypt SSL
  • Up to 5 email addresses
  • Up to 10 GB of storage
  • Up to 2 websites
  • Up to 2 databases
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Technical support for account issues


  • $2/month/website for any websites and databases beyond 2 ($24/year/website)
  • $2/month/email address beyond 5 free addresses ($24/year/email account)
  • $2/month/GB for excess storage beyond 10 GB (includes all account files, including stored emails) ($24/year/GB in excess of 10GB)


  • Hosting accounts that are more than 3 months overdue will be suspended until accounts are brought up to date.
  • Hosting is billed annually for the coming year


What We Offer

In addition to providing design advice, graphics expertise, and applying our years of experience in website creation to your site, we also offer:

  • Internet marketing
  • Prompt, economical service
  • Website promotion
  • Search engine optimization
  • Site traffic analysis
  • ADA Accessibility services

We strive to make the website that’s right for your business and that satisfies you in every way. The more up-front work you do (gathering pictures, drafting wording, thinking about layout, coming up with design ideas, etc.) the less it’ll cost to get your website up and running.

We encourage learning and welcome customers who want to learn how to maintain their sites themselves. Of course, if you’d rather leave the maintenance and updates to us, we offer competitive, prompt, and flexible pay-as-you-go maintenance options. Contact Us.